Network Cornwall
Member Company Profile

Olivia Bossert Photography

Email [email protected]
Telephone 07792858653
Location Falmouth
Company Type Atlas Magazine
Description Olivia Bossert is an ambitious creative director and photographer. At the age of 21 she founded Atlas Magazine, an online magazine showcasing the creative works of promising artists from around the world.
Her photographic credits include Nicholas Oakwell, Kristina Bazan, DC Shoes, as well as many new and notable Swiss designers such as Crea-Tiff Bijoux and Nnoir Bis.
Driven by beauty, she strives to be the very best at everything she does.
Bilingual in English and French, Olivia divides her time between Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Her international education gives her invaluable insight into working with different cultures, enabling her to adapt quickly to her clients’ needs.

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