Network Cornwall
Member Company Profile

Keheren therapy

Email [email protected]
Telephone 07943630148
Location Truro
Company Type Hydrotherm massage
Description At Keheren Therapy we use the truly amazing Hydrotherm system, where you can experience deep tissue massage, lying on your back on warm water filled pads, no turning over and no lying face down.

The water supports the body, the system allowing perfect spinal alignment and the heat from the water enables tight muscles to begin to relax before the massage starts.

Our deep tissue massage gets to the source of muscular aches and pains, and provides lasting relief from tension and stress.

Our medical background and thorough knowledge of the muscular system means that we can detect problem areas and give our clients fantastic results.

Hydrotherm Massage is absolutely perfect for pregnant ladies as you are lying on your back through out the whole treatment, with the head of the couch raised so that your not completely flat ...... You can experience a full body treatment with out having to move or turn over.

Whether you are suffering with chronic pain, have a recent injury or would simply like to treat yourself or someone you care about, to an hours perfect relaxation, hydrotherm is for you !

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