Network Cornwall
Member Company Profile

The Body Mechanic

Email [email protected]
Telephone 07508382493
Location St Agnes
Company Type Clinical Sports Massage
Description Clinical sports massage to treat pain and injury for everyday people as well as athletes.

If we spend time doing DIY on our home, or money fixing our vehicle, why do we not invest in fixing our own bodies? Those of us who do strenuous or repetitive work need the same kind of performance out of our bodies as athletes, and yet we ignore pain until it turns into a chronic problem, which then prevents us from living life comfortably, or even working.

I would like to appeal to working people as much as sports people to utilise this service.

For the athletes, I am experienced in working with injuries, rehabilitation and maintenance, pre and sport event work and optimising performance. I have worked on a number of sporting events including the Roseland August Trail, London Marathon and the Deloitte Ride Across Britain.

If you or someone close to you is putting up with pain, please ask them to call. I aim to help people on their way with a minimal number of treatments, instead armed with plenty of self-help exercises and stretches to keep future problems at bay. I offer competitive rates and work from St Agnes.

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