Network Cornwall
Member Company Profile

theresa field

Email [email protected]
Telephone 07708565820
Location falmouth
Company Type complementary therapies
Description I love and am passionate about Kundalini Yoga. For me Kundalini yoga has brought all of my beliefs together in a way that is tangible, practical and with tools and teachings that we can all use everyday to support our lives and healing. I love to share these teachings and encourage my students to connect and move deeper into parts of themselves that have been kept hidden thereby offering a truly empowering experience.
I also offer a Divine feminine chanting group where we coming together as sisters to rejoice in our connection with the Divine Mother.

I began my Mala love by making a Mala Necklace for myself with my own numerology related to my Spiritual name Teja Kaur, to help me to ground my life purpose and to support me with spiritual work by producing something that can be warn and worked with everyday. This has now grown into producing custom made numerology malas, malas that support many aspects of our life and beautiful gemstone jewellery.
Each Mala is made within the sacredness of mantra meditation.

My healing work through 1-1 Reiki, Angelic, crystal healing, Intuitive Massage and Reflexology sessions can help to re-balance and align your energy bodies and stimulate your own healing processes, helping to bring us back into balance. Working at the level of cause, bringing deep healing and helping to awaken and guide you on your path.

My passion is empowering others and as a Reiki Master Teacher I love to attune others to reiki to support their soul journey.

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